RCA graduates' nice works

RCA 畢業生Helena Schepens清簡而充滿節奏感的大碗。- New Designers Goldsmiths' Company Award for Silversmithing.


RCA 畢業生Olivia Lowe的花瓶

鮮花與金屬的冷熱對比, 兩種物料同時展現大自然美態。



Bloody Heavy Drum & Bass @Quarter

Heavy, Pir2, Kongkretebass, and Magnetic Soul Present:
Bloody Heavy Drum & Bass

Venue: Quarter, 3f & 4f, 21 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, Hong Kong
Date: 2nd September, 2006
Time: 10:00-04:50
Price: $100 one free drink

Line Up:
Mako (blacksheepbar.com UK)
DJ Wash (kongkretebass.com)
Check1 (mixesonline.net UK)
DJ GlassEye (Russia/ Italy)
QK (HK- DJ/Producer)
DJ Stef:fun (HK-Heavy)
Epz (France- Heavy/Pir2)
Monica (HK- Ragga Jungle Set)
BloodDunza (HK- Heavy/Magnetic Soul)
Kas (UK-neurofunk/tech -DJ/Producer-Heavy)

Introducing Heavy 004

Representing up and coming heavy underground dnb talent from the local scene and world wide. Now in the venue of Quarter after last months succesful Heavy at JC65. Now with a bigger sound system. bigger venue and bigger line up, this month is set to be even Heavier.

Mako began DJing around 9 years ago inspired by the old Good Looking
sounds before developing a taste for Tech step, Kemal, C4C and Teebee. Resident at Spectrum-Croydon UK he also guests at the almighty Bristol Dissident Sound system and has played alongside the likes of Loxy, Dom and Roland, Tech Itch, Friction, Mampi Swift and Raiden.

DJ Wash - one of the most skillful and diverse Drum and Bass DJ in Hong Kong. Despite the fact that he's only he's been DJing for 6 year, DJ Wash has played and promoted the some of the biggest names in the scene. He has also started a DnB based website www.kongkretebass.com, which focuses mainly on Asian/Oceanic DnB DJs/Producers talents, with new Pod Cast availiable for download every fortnight. DJ Wash is also busy in the studio mastering his own productions and hosts a netradio show for www.planetdnb.com (Monday night 8:30pm).

Check1- Bio -Fresh from the South UK scene. This tight and vesatile
dj's heavy sets of both dnb and breaks can be checked at mixesonline.net and will be sure to kick up a storm for his debut in HK.

Yumla : //Format @ Yumla - September 1, 2006

Magnetic Soul makes it's debut at Yumla this Friday, September 1st, 2006.

After months of enjoying the sounds of the Red Label night from our DNB Comrades Arkham and Fat Demon, and guest DJing from time to time at the ever popular Yumla, we've been given the opportunity to give the Yumla crowd the full Magnetic Soul treatment.

Come down to check out our new night called //FORMAT.

JP Lui, Kay C, and Cookie will be on rotation.


Vodka Bar Special Event : Inspired Flight Art Exhibition

Stephen Holding (AKA Metal Wing) - Inspired Flight Art Exhibition
//Venue: Vodka Bar

//Date: Saturday, Aug 26th, 2006
//Time: 8PM - Late
//Cost: Free

Magnetic Soul has been invited to provide the sounds for an art exhibition opening of New York City based Stephen Holding (AKA Metalwing) called "Inspired Flight." Here is the press release for the exhibition.

Do not miss "Inspired Flight", An Audio/Visual collaboration between New York City-based artist Stephen Holding (AKA Metalwing) and Hong Kong Drum N Bass Masterminds Magnetic Soul on Saturday, August 26th at The Vodka Bar.

Stephen Holding has been displaying his works throughout various US cities with his crew Project SF (www.projectsf.com) for the past several years, but this marks the first Hong Kong solo exhibition of his works since his transfer here in late 2004.

Metalwing's work shows an energy and dynamic that spans 5 years and 20+ cities worldwide. His influences stem from the sounds of Electronica, Hip Hop, and Drum N Bass, to graffiti and modern architecture, and he always has some new surprises being cooked up in his studio.

This time around, he will be selling limited edition prints of his work (signed and numbered) as well as some newer plexiglas panels he has been working on since his move to Hong Kong.

DJs: Fat Demon, JP Lui, Kay C, and Cookie will be on hand to provide the audible side of the collaboration during the exhibition.

To see some of Metalwing's work, visit http://www.metalwing.net
and his myspace profile here: http://www.myspace.com/stevefive1



政府以" 因為交通改善工程,必須將中環天星碼頭搬遷" 為由,落實今年十月清拆擁有48年歷史的天星碼頭及鐘樓相信大家都知道了吧?

然而, 甚麼是"必須"?這個"必須"是這在甚麼角度誰的立場下說的? 清拆後, 對大多數的香港市民來說, 得到甚麼又失去甚麼?

中環天星碼頭及鐘樓已有半個世紀歷史,這個設計及製造沿於英國「大笨鐘」的鐘樓。 電話抽樣訪問了五百八十六名市民,八 成六受訪市民認為,中環天星碼頭及鐘樓有歷史價值,其中六成受訪者更稱這個舊香港標誌物十分珍貴,不應清拆。八成三接受訪問的市民都表示,上址有香港人集體回憶,為免新一代香港人不知道舊地貌,應該保留作古跡。


如果澳門人因為交通改善工程要拆大三巴, 中國人因為交通改善工程要拆長城, 大家會怎樣看? 如果"交通改善工程"是大哂的話, 下一次可否因為交通改善工程而

天星碼頭及鐘樓無疑是香港的重要地標, 文化及歷史遺產。 暫停清拆是大部份香港市民的要求我相信中環天星碼頭及鐘樓只有一個,清拆後就沒了"交通改善工程"的方法倒有很多。 所以必須不必須, 還是不要說得太狠。
強行清拆碼頭及鐘樓, 實在令人懷疑政府究竟是沒有智慧還是沒有良知?
經常談及集體回憶的民政事務局長何志平先生求求其得過且過, 是否能厚顏一笑, 肩起這文化罪人的罪名, 做一個香港文化笑話加悲劇中的小丑?

雖然政府還是要維港變條河, 但紅灣半島和23條事件都可見人民力量

支持還沒太遲, 沒到場的請到http://www.project-see.net/簽名表態, 請forward給所有愛惜香港的朋友。


TC1 & Stresslevel S.E.A. Tour in Hong Kong

Friday, August 18th, 2006
Venue: Club Magazine
Address: 3/F Cosmos Bulding, 8-11 Lan Kwai Fong (Entrance next to Post 97)
Time 11PM-5AM
Cost: $170 with one drink

DJs: TC1 & Stress Level (London, UK / Dispatch Recordings, Liquid V,
Advanced, Bingo, Subtitles)
Support by Magnetic Soul Residents Kay C, JP Lui, with additional
support from Fat Demon.
Visuals: VJ Sembei

來自英國 Huddersfield, West Yorkshire的TC1與Stress Level自學生時代己對跳舞音樂充滿狂熱。當時的跳舞樂壇是 LFO, 808 State及一些狂野音樂人如Prodigy, Altern 8 的天下。Grahams (aka StressLevel)於那時開始創作自家音樂,混合不同的節拍與samples,進行各種音樂實驗。而Ant (aka TC1)則於1992年Grooverider @ Fantazia Tape與音樂結緣。14歲時買下他人生的第一個belt drive turntables,數月後於地下音樂電台演出。16歲時他進一步進駐各大小夜店,幾年後更開始了製作人生涯。其後遇上StressLevel,二人自始合作無間。

雖然Jungle初期的Omni Trio, Roni Size, Die, Krust, Doc Scott, Hidden agenda無可否認地深深影嚮著二人,但啟發他們創作靈感的卻不止於此。正如TC1所說"她可以是從外而來,在不可思議的一剎突擊你的腦袋。她有時化身成一個優秀的sample,有時則是一個當下的氣氛基調......"並沒有一個固定的來源。

TC1與Stress Level的樂曲一直得到Fabio的大力支持,至今仍是其Radio 1 show的常客。他們的"Satisfy"remix 亦於Grooverider的 Radio 1 show頻頻亮相。此外,音樂頻道1xtra的Bailey, Flight, Friction, Dbridge,?L-Double 以及各著名DJ如 Goldie, Klute, Zinc, Calibre, Hidden Agenda, Artificial Intelligence, A-sides, Simon Bassline, Total science, High Contrast, LTJ Bukem, Brian G, DJ Lee均對他們的作品表示喜愛和支持。二人之音樂質素可見一班。

TC1與Stress Level 將於8月至9月進行亞洲巡迴演出,並鐵定8月18日於香港合力打造一強勁Drum and Bass晚上,各樂迷絕不容錯過!
Listen: http://www.myspace.com/ant_tc1

Biggest Beach Party of this Summer-SUMMER LOVE PARADISE 2006

Biggest Beach Party of this Summer!! come and play with us!lalala~
Festival of music, sports and sun
19–20 Aug 2006 (SAT)
Ferry pick-up Point at Queens Pier in central
Ticket: $220 (1-way ticket),
$330 (VIP area entry. 2 drinks + 2-way ticket)
ticket at HMV,
ENVY (3a hyde park mansion, 53 paterson st, CWB, 2808 2318)
KAPZ (shop 47. Red mall, 501-515 Jaffe rd, CWB 35808760)
INFO: www.lotion.com.hk, www.envy-ent.com
TEL: 9128 9246, 9317 6411

5 stars (Fire spinning & african dance) / Ra Crew VS. Sr Crew (B-boy Battle) / Akkio VS. Mio (Jap) (Reggae Dance) / Fashion Show (Swimwear).
Skim-Boards / Wakesurf / Flying Mata-Rays/ Beach Volleyball.
Competition: Wet T-Shirt (Eyes Model Management) / Yard-Glass Beer Drinking (HEINEKEN) / Freestyle Rap Battle (RED BULL).
Musical Artist
RYAN HUI (許懷欣)
Lotion Crew
David Lam Jason F
Anthony2 Dicky Lau
Brian Vs Darko
ENVY Hip Hop Arena
G (new York) Thomas C
Gordon & Tee
Robot (live)
Magnetic Soul Drum n Bass
Cookie B2B Teem

Jp-Lui B2B Kay C

Wash B2B Blood Dunza

45*BreakBeat Gathering
Toby Ming Wong BallBall
Ek BoyBoy
Melting Pod techno
Dj TOTTI (Japan, ITA)

somewhere over the rainbow

中文科會考,人tip我讀, 唔tip的更讀.到考試時就挑最難又沒人會選做的題目- 因為那樣得到的A特別有成功感。
肯德基上校一生為國服務,相信政府會給他生活保障。到他退休後才知被騙了- 他的退休金支付政府的財產稅後根本不足以生活. 於是他於66歲的夕陽年齡時成為創業新兵 - 現在成了人人都知道的肯德基叔叔。他是一個幸運的人。開始創業後, 他失敗了1099次。對,是1099次。他的幸運不是他一帆風順,而是他有失敗的機會,而且擁有面對失敗永不退縮的精神。
那天road show訪問了一位運動員,說到自己不斷練習後仍然在比賽中輸了。他非常沮喪,後來還是站起來再加倍練習。 一句說話很深刻:如果這麼容易得到冠軍,那就不是冠軍啦!
沒勇氣開始,就不會失敗,亦意味著沒成功的機會。輸了一次再一次也不要緊,千萬不要輸掉自己的精神。我們就像綠野仙?裡的獅子般,要努力找尋自己失去而應有的勇氣- somewhere over the rainbow, never say too late。


Magnetic Soul presents Basement Sessions with Lenzman and MC Dan Stezo-12 AUG@JC65

Saturday, August 12th, 2006
Magnetic Soul presents Basement Sessions with Lenzman and MC Dan Stezo
Venue: JC65 Basement
Address: 65 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong
Time: 11PM-5AM
Cost: $50
DJs: Lenzman (Amsterdam, Netherlands / Strictly Digital, Fever) with MC
Dan Stezo (Amsterdam, Netherlands / Fever) with support from Magnetic
Soul residents Blood Dunza, Kay C, JP Lui, and Cookie
Visuals: VJ Sembei


Via air -photography exhibition by Topaz

[ via air ]
"I believe alive is being familiar with the surroundings, yet they are vagueand blurry at the same time.Once I open my drawers, the smell of ruined pictures flashbacks thosemoments which ever existed in my life. The memories transformed via air.While breathing in and out, I found that is the evidence of staying alive."

多久沒見了?想起來近幾年我們見面都是關於project的:我做她實驗MV女角, 也為她的短片做戲服;她為我的collection攝影,又來我的Studio Opening和Dn'B 派對...

我跟她form 1就認識了,直到form 7. 當中有親有疏. 頭尾form 1, form4 到form7一直很親密地玩.
那時她沒那麼愛拍照, 只記得她很喜歡拍英俊的師兄, 特別是運動中的.

大學後她迷上了攝影, 人在相機在. 她的照片氣氛總是淡淡的自然, 毫不做作地記下,有很強的生活氣息. 色彩亦是注目點. 我喜歡看她的照片. 看時彷彿跟隨著她, 知道老朋友的近況,經歷她的生活點滴, 是一種對照的幸福.
珍惜回憶,喜歡生活的, 願意到場一起感受嗎?

Photography exhibition by Topaz/
5/8/2006 (sat) 6:00-8:00
venue: 3 boxes
address: G/F, 35 Graham Street, Central, HK