《藉著雨點說愛你》中的妻 子再現人間,離別前預定十數年的生日蛋糕為兒子慶祝生日。在雨的背後,談的是超越一生一世的承諾。而現代又貼近現實的做法是藉著email說愛你。一個名為futureme.org的網站讓你可以send email給未來的自己。當然你也可以預定send email給你的朋友愛人。有限度的羅曼蒂克也可窩窩心。
寫信給未來的自己,最大意義是可讓你暫時跳出自己,宏觀一點去看自己的的人生。同時幻想一下將來的自己﹣ 這下也可想半天了。
Abstract Impressions Contest by Surface magazine and Travel Channel
Happy news.
I got an email from Marin, the photo producer of Surface magazine which telling me my image is a runner-up in the Abstract Impressions Contest, sponsored by Travel Channel. And will be published in the upcoming Avant Guardian issue of Surface magazine as such :)
I am happy and surprise although i really wish i can go to Mexico by getting the grand prize (sorry i am too honest and too real, but who don't like surprise especially woman?)
Its really happy to share my images and story with the Surface team and readers. ( Thanks for listening my story in tibet.) My next station hopefully will be India - in Easter. (my honipiksi ready to go?:P) Should be a great place with life, culture, religion, music, building, great fabric and embroidery etc.
I got an email from Marin, the photo producer of Surface magazine which telling me my image is a runner-up in the Abstract Impressions Contest, sponsored by Travel Channel. And will be published in the upcoming Avant Guardian issue of Surface magazine as such :)
I am happy and surprise although i really wish i can go to Mexico by getting the grand prize (sorry i am too honest and too real, but who don't like surprise especially woman?)
Its really happy to share my images and story with the Surface team and readers. ( Thanks for listening my story in tibet.) My next station hopefully will be India - in Easter. (my honipiksi ready to go?:P) Should be a great place with life, culture, religion, music, building, great fabric and embroidery etc.
HEAVY No.5 @ Quarter - 7 Oct 2006
HEAVY No.5 @ Quarter - 7 Oct 2006
Supported by Pir2 / KongreteBass.com/ Magnetic Soul
Date: 7 Oct 2006, SAT
Time: 22:00 – 5:00
Venue: Quarter ,3/F ,21 Lyndhurst Terrace,Central, Hong Kong
Price : HKD100 with one Drink
Line Up
Monica vs Blood Dunza ( Heavy )
Kas (Heavy)
Stef : Fun (Heavy)
DJ Wash ( Kongkretebass/ Heavy)
Nout (Le Diable au Corps/ Heretik-France)
Epz ( Heavy / PiR2 -France)
Heavy returns this month with an eclectic mash-up of bass booming sounds. Reggae to Dub Step, Drum and Bass to Hardfloor Techno will be played loud as extra sub will once again be added to the Quarter sound system .
Special guest of the night is Nout, founder member in 1996 of the "Heretik System" (www.heretik.fr) , he is also the founder of the famous label " Le Diable Au corps" ( www.lediableaucorps.org). He is the Manager of 30 labels in France since 2001, such as "Level75" (www.level75.net), and has in his discography more than a 100 tracks.
Nout is one of the most wanted electronic music producers in France and Europe, he has played in many big festivals and raves across the world and has been resident of the Full Moon and Half Moon parties of Koh Phangan in Thailand, playing electro and techno. Last time he was in Hong Kong in played front of 1300 people in Volar.
This Heavy party you will able to see him playing his "Hardfloor" set especially made for the dance-floor!
Supported by Pir2 / KongreteBass.com/ Magnetic Soul
Date: 7 Oct 2006, SAT
Time: 22:00 – 5:00
Venue: Quarter ,3/F ,21 Lyndhurst Terrace,Central, Hong Kong
Price : HKD100 with one Drink
Line Up
Monica vs Blood Dunza ( Heavy )
Kas (Heavy)
Stef : Fun (Heavy)
DJ Wash ( Kongkretebass/ Heavy)
Nout (Le Diable au Corps/ Heretik-France)
Epz ( Heavy / PiR2 -France)
Heavy returns this month with an eclectic mash-up of bass booming sounds. Reggae to Dub Step, Drum and Bass to Hardfloor Techno will be played loud as extra sub will once again be added to the Quarter sound system .
Special guest of the night is Nout, founder member in 1996 of the "Heretik System" (www.heretik.fr) , he is also the founder of the famous label " Le Diable Au corps" ( www.lediableaucorps.org). He is the Manager of 30 labels in France since 2001, such as "Level75" (www.level75.net), and has in his discography more than a 100 tracks.
Nout is one of the most wanted electronic music producers in France and Europe, he has played in many big festivals and raves across the world and has been resident of the Full Moon and Half Moon parties of Koh Phangan in Thailand, playing electro and techno. Last time he was in Hong Kong in played front of 1300 people in Volar.
This Heavy party you will able to see him playing his "Hardfloor" set especially made for the dance-floor!
答應了朋友拍一個Documentary, 內容是講述兩個在香港的德國女孩和香港女孩。於是認識了Project主腦Ronny和Micheal。他們比我想像中親切(一直覺得德國人很嚴肅和執著)而且很「純」。我發覺能自發做自己喜歡的事的人總是有點傻勁。牙擦擦不肯理虧的往往只得個講字。拍後他們給我一個Kodak one-time-use相機, 告訴我他們將會舉行一個exhibition, 展示他們送出的相機的作品。這些相機已隨他們的旅遊散落世界各地了。不知這個Documentary和exhibition出來的效果如何?
拍攝過程中談了許多東西, 其中談到香港的生活空間。我說香港不止房子空間小, 連建築物與建築物間的距離亦很近。我幾乎伸手就可踫到隔壁的窗子了。而小時候不許獨自上街時我也的確常把故事書放到長間尺上,再小心翼翼的伸到隔壁的窗旁, 跟鄰家女孩交換來看。
他笑著點頭說發覺香港的建築物幾乎一樣,建築師不會覺得單調嗎? 我說不一樣, 我們有H型Y型井型又可選玻璃外牆。對職業建築師來說大概足夠了。我倒希望公園可離馬路遠一點, 在馬路中心實在沒甚麼悠閒的興致。有時候不是"有"就行, 只為了有而有的東西總是達不到應有的效果。空間太"剛剛好"通常都是"剛剛好不夠"- 就正如那些差一分就碰到廁所門的馬桶。
Magnetic SoulCast
Get Magnetic Soul DJ mixes on your iPod or MP3 player!
Click SUBSCRIBE to add the Magnetic SoulCast to your iTunes Podcasts
or to manually add the Magnetic SoulCast to iTunes or other Podcasting software,
use this URL: http://www.magneticsoul.co.uk/soulcast/
Once you have subscribed, new episodes will automatically be downloaded
to your iTunes Podcast folder or other Podcasting software.
1. Search for Magnetic Soul in the iTunes Store
2. Click this link -
3. manually add it to itunes by click "Advanced" from the menu, and
"Subscribe to Podcast" and use this URL -
The directions are located on the website as well.
Magnetic Soul Drum N Bass comes to you!
This Fri - Hierophat & Magnetic Soul presents Shorts & Bass party @ Sugar
Hierophat & Magnetic Soul presents Shorts & Bass party @ Sugar
Come join the first and only party at Sugar where you can wear shorts!
This event also marks the first time a Hip Hop and Drum & Bass event has been held at one of Central's hottest clubs.
Date: Friday 22 September
Time: 10pm till late
Shorts Arena (Hip Hop) DJ's
Doze (French DMC Champion)
J-P Da Mindscratcher
Bass Arena (Drum & Bass) DJ's
Magnetic Soul resident DJs
Blood Dunza, Cookie, J-P, Kay C, Teem
Entrance Fee:
$220 with one drink.
$180 for people wearing shorts with one standard drink and one Red Bull.
Please note apart from shorts normal dress code applies i.e. smart
casual, no sandals & no sleeveless shirts for Men.
Come join the first and only party at Sugar where you can wear shorts!
This event also marks the first time a Hip Hop and Drum & Bass event has been held at one of Central's hottest clubs.
Date: Friday 22 September
Time: 10pm till late
Shorts Arena (Hip Hop) DJ's
Doze (French DMC Champion)
J-P Da Mindscratcher
Bass Arena (Drum & Bass) DJ's
Magnetic Soul resident DJs
Blood Dunza, Cookie, J-P, Kay C, Teem
Entrance Fee:
$220 with one drink.
$180 for people wearing shorts with one standard drink and one Red Bull.
Please note apart from shorts normal dress code applies i.e. smart
casual, no sandals & no sleeveless shirts for Men.
SHOWstudio - What are you looking at?
My picture from tibet in response to 'brutalising city' brief' was chosen by Nick and Simon Foxton's @ SHOWstudio :)
Laid out by i-D's art director Dean Langley, the nineteen pages incorporate particularly impressive submissions from contributors from varying international locations such as New York, London, Paris, Australia and Switzerland. i am in page 17, my birthday number.
also see hongkongese Ka-poon Chan's nice work at page 4.
Laid out by i-D's art director Dean Langley, the nineteen pages incorporate particularly impressive submissions from contributors from varying international locations such as New York, London, Paris, Australia and Switzerland. i am in page 17, my birthday number.
also see hongkongese Ka-poon Chan's nice work at page 4.
Simply Thai的BB菜
昨晚到Simply Thai進餐。女侍應生打開一頁介紹:「我地今晚呢個BB菜有優惠呀!試下嗎?」
原來係有齊雞BB,鴿BB,魚BB,豬BB.......嗯.....即刻無胃口.....所謂 “數罟不入洿池”,你就專食BB...實在「泰」驚了.....
最後還是點了一道 “金字塔素菜有機炒飯”。個樣好靚,但亦「泰」油.....應該無下次。
P.S. 尖咀海防道一家小食店一支竹籤穿住幾個雀仔頭﹣食個位請以後NG好同我講野。
原來係有齊雞BB,鴿BB,魚BB,豬BB.......嗯.....即刻無胃口.....所謂 “數罟不入洿池”,你就專食BB...實在「泰」驚了.....
最後還是點了一道 “金字塔素菜有機炒飯”。個樣好靚,但亦「泰」油.....應該無下次。
P.S. 尖咀海防道一家小食店一支竹籤穿住幾個雀仔頭﹣食個位請以後NG好同我講野。
Octave Mirbeau《The Torture Garden》
精緻高雅的酷刑以一種藝術形式在牢獄中表演著,成為了上流雅士和政府官僚的娛樂。秘密花園像夢一般置於牢獄的中央。那兒的花被愛與死亡滋養著,於是開得特別的燦爛 ﹣ 極端的美麗原來建基於極端的殘酷和放蕩腐敗。
Octave Mirbeau《The Torture Garden》
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