
相信不少朋友都知道廟街有平碟賣。而平碟絕非老翻或大陸版,全是歐美日本正版。有D個盒剪隆有D無剪。好似有D衫要剪label賣。(至於貨源,點解流出平賣就問極都支吾以對。)久聞廣州都有得賣,於是於Notch後那天順道去看一看。想也想不到該平碟竇竟在一小商場的運動部內!那Area有約廿個檔位賣碟,歡迎試聽。細心找會找到不少“旬野”。而場內看檔的阿姐阿叔認真卧虎藏龍,最怕你唔問,一開口問,HMV的staff都會要check機, 佢地就莫講音樂種類,連廠牌都熟到爛,比專業更專業。
我竟找到一直想找Avril 的 <members only> ,還有Mr. Oizo, Laurent Garnier, 9Lazy9, Tosca, Raz Mesinai。最後再要了Nat King Cole 叔叔的Documentary >。全部十元廿元。抵到爛又找到不少驚喜。如果唔係趕火車一定留耐D掃多D。
Notch 07
Venue金色年華,sound system不錯,但一飲佢酒就頭痛(啤酒only)友人話係假酒即唔飲。


Sassy said...

Fabulous pictures!!!

saiyan said...

Fabulous text!!!

wujo said...

When did you go to GZ? I just came back tonight. My band went there to play a show and it was so awesome! The people there were so passionated about music!


foxymcdee said...

agree that ppl there are really music passionist! And the main different between them and HK ppl is- when HK ppl heard some music they dun understand or dont like they will judge them and complain alot and blah blah blah. ppl in mainland there hear some sound even they dun understand they still repect and try to accept. i think they are more open to accept new shits

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