Clockenflap Multimedia Arts and Music Festival

Yumla人一定知道Robot. Robot之傑作Clockenflap由underground 走到地面, 她的2008如rockit般大件事, 實在可喜:) .

Live Music
The Young Knives (UK Mercury Music Prize nominees 2007).
Bizali (UK)
Kid Carpet (UK)
Waxed Apple (UK)
The Lovesong (HK)
Clementine is my Sunshine (HK)
My Little Airport (HK)
Snoblind (HK)
Taku Hirayama (HK/JPN)
Ray Dollars (HK)
Kid Cal (HK)Bodhi (HK)
Kulu (HK)
Uptown Rockers vs Robot (HK)

MC Grey Goose (HK)
Hannah Baynham (HK)

Film & Animation
Amy Neil (UK, Award winning Writer/Director, BAFTA nominee, Scottish BAFTA winner)
Future Shorts (UK)
I Shot Hong Kong (HK)
Lindsay Robertson (HK)
James Hacking (HK)
Emma-Jade Li (HK)
Josh Evans (HK)
Jay Forster (HK)
Victor Pena & Digger T Mesch (HK)

Installation ArtistsClive Sefton (UK)
Stanley Wong (HK)
Outsignlab (HK)
Graphic Airlines (HK)
Rob Luxton (HK)
Tereza Tan (HK)
Twocollect (DE)
Jay Forster (HK)
Claire Fawcett (UK)

1 comment:

wujo said...

How's this show? I was at Wild Day Out so I couldn't go.

For cutting the finger you know what? Actually I was so quiet at the moment as Sandra told us not to talk much because some officer from Lee Fung were at the office checking. Anyway, just have to be careful next time!
