ed & op之後

Ed Rush & Optical 完結了. 謝謝到來的人, 希望你們喜歡, 聽得開心玩得高興.
由於2人成本很高, 雖然我對他們的音樂有信心, 但經濟差加星期五的大前提下, 都抱著死就死心態下一試. 幸好那晚Sammi's kitchen幾乎擠滿了人. :) 這一次我做門口很緊, guestlist亦如是. 因為假如這一次再蝕的話, 下一次國際DJ的派對就遙遙無期. 希望大家明白, 見諒啊. 假如你們喜歡這種音樂, 又覺得香港應多一種音樂派對選擇的話, 請支持一下!

Ed & Op 很nice的. 特別是Ed Rush呢. 離開門口工作後一下子放鬆, 喝醉了.... 他們叫了pizza吃我都吃不了.... 星期六整整一天Hangover, 但仍在忙. 都是因為曼谷機場! Outrage 因曼谷機場問題滯留, 而Ed Rush與Optical 亦因此去不了曼谷. 我 一下子失了算. 很多酒店full booking....我又要左撲右撲... 謝謝Johnathan幫忙帶他們轉酒店, 不然我要累死了. 星期天chill了一天. 很好很好.



Miss O said...

it's great that you had a wonderful party!! i really wanted to go, even though i kept on saying so, but actually only went once. so you must keep on doing the great and profitable party then i can still have chance to play and have fun in the future!!

foxymcdee said...

dear olive, actually you can just come! the vibe was great, ppl r so much friendly! You dont need to worry there is no frd go with you cos you will meet lot of ppl there!And with the music you can just dance wt u like!
i will introduce my frds to you and i am sure you can enjoy the time with them cos u r such a funny and talkatve gal. So just come over no need to consider too much, its just a party! but you dun need to worry i will be not happy if you dun come. i wont la. everyone can hv their choice! :)
hope you enjoy ur time too~